Tuesday, October 22, 2019

TAiwan and China essays

TAiwan and China essays The major problem between Taiwan and China is the Taiwanese economy. If the island state had never managed to industrialize under the GMD, it would have been absorbed by the CCP and the rest of mainland China long ago. As is, its strong economy, international trade and connections keep it steadily propped up in its uneven fight. Globalization and fine balance between defence and parlay of Taiwan are the only things that will keep it out of the hands of China. Taiwan's modern life began the start of the peoples republic of China; almost all of the fleeing neo-fascist and capitalist Goumindang went to Taiwan to escape persecution and to reorganize for the struggle against the now-communist mainland. Due to their somewhat unrealistic world-view and the previous experience that the GMD had in statecraft, they dominated the native Taiwanese, establishing class distinctions and a industrial base very quickly in China. This was aided by their closer connections with the western powers, established early on and kept up through WW2, for example. The communist mainland was forced to start from the ground up, more or less, receiving much less aid and having vastly greater problems of organization, due to size and the rural state of the population. Taiwan made quick, important gains in schools and infrastructure as well, reinvesting money with the purpose to make Taiwan rich. Taiwan was, due to foriegn connections, especially with the USA, also the first and only representatives of Chinese people in the international community. They filibustered and protested very loudly whenever the CCP tried to gain voice in international forums like the UN, and insisted for a very long time that they(Taiwan) represented the entire land area inhabited and governed by the CCP. They had a thriving international lassiez-faire economy that also interested foreign powers in keeping the statist mainland from absorbing Taiwan. ...

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