Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Documentación para entrevista de visa americana
Documentacià ³n para entrevista de visa americana Los documentos que se llevan a la entrevista al consulado americano pueden ser muy importantes para ayudar al oficial consular a decidir si aprueba o niega la visa. Adems, la documentacià ³n es fundamental a la hora de luchar contra una decisià ³n de negacià ³n de visa que se considera es errà ³nea. Por lo tanto, si ests en el proceso de solicitar unaà visa de no inmigranteà por primera vez o intentas obtener una aprobacià ³n despuà ©s de un rechazo de una peticià ³n anterior, te conviene informarte sobre quà © documentos llevar a laà entrevista en la embajada americana. Tantoà los obligatorios como los recomendados. En este artà culo puedes informarte sobre cules son las razones ms comunes paraà de que nieguen una visa no inmigrante, como por ejemplo, la de turista, estudiante, trabajo o intercambio. Esto es importante porque hay que saber con anterioridad dà ³nde pueden estar los problemas y presentar documentacià ³n para mostrar evidencia que ayude a subsanarlos. Adems, segà ºnà el paà s en el que se aplica, quà © documentos llevar, cules son los tresà tipos de contestaciones que puede dar el oficial consular y quà © hacer si la visa es denegada. Recordar que la entrevista para todas las visas no inmigrantes se solicita como parte del trmite de la visa que se pide al llenar el formulario DS-160, que marca el inicio del mismo. à ¿Van a aprobar mi solicitud de visa americana no inmigrante? Esa es la pregunta que muchos solicitantes se hacen. pero no hay una respuesta que se pueda dar con absoluta certeza. Cada caso es un mundo con peculiaridades propias ya que ninguna persona es igual a otra. Lo que sà se sabe es que en algunos paà ses los porcentajes de negacià ³n de las visas son ms altos que en otros. Sin embargo,à esto no debe de tomarse como una invitacià ³n a solicitar visas en consulados americanos distintos a los del paà s en el que se reside habitualmente, ya que para esto existen reglas especiales y, adems, puede no ser conveniente. Adems, existen situaciones que complican la peticià ³n de visa no inmigrante. Por ejemplo, cuando se est esperando por una visa inmigrante, es decir, por una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Las estadà sticas nos dicen como son las cosas y nos sirven para estar informados sobre quà © esperar. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos publica cada aà ±o fiscal cuntas visas se solicitan y cuntas son negadas. Adems, en cuntos casos se obtuvo finalmente una aprobacià ³n, a pesar de haber sido negada en un principio. En el 2017, el à ºltimo sobre el que hay datos, las embajadas y consulados de Estados Unidos aprobaron en todo el mundo un total de 9.681.913 visas no inmigrantes. Adems, no aprobaron un total de 3.516.581. Las causas principales de negacià ³n de la visa fueron, por el siguiente orden, las siguientes: En primer lugar, el solicitante no prueba suficientemente que no tiene intencià ³n de quedarse en Estados Unidos. Es la causa que se conoce como 214(b). En el FY2017, un total de 2.624.543 visas no inmigrantes fueron rechazadas por esta causa. En segundo lugar, la aplicacià ³n no cumple con los requisitos que exige la ley que se conoce como INA. Las causas ms frecuentes son la falta de documentos o informacià ³n o la necesidad de que otra agencia del gobierno revise la solicitud. En FY2017, un total de 811.238 solicitudes fueron rechazados por esta causa, que se conoce tà ©cnicamente como 221(g). En tercer lugar, por mentir para obtenerà un beneficio, por escrito o hablando, en lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como misrepresentation y tà ©cnicamente como la causa 212(a)(6)(C)(i). En el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, 18.114 visas no inmigrantes fueron rechazadas por esta causa. En cuarto lugar, haber estado previamente de forma ilegal en Estados Unidos por ms de 365 dà as un total de 15.924 personas vieron sus peticiones de visa rechazadas.. Es la causa de negacià ³n de visa que se conoce como 212(a)(9)(B)(i)(II). En este punto hay que tener en cuenta que aplica el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os. Y en quinto lugar, haber permanecido en Estados Unidos despuà ©s de haber cometido una violacià ³n migratoria. Esta causa, que se conoce como 212(a)(9)(c), afectà ³ a 9.551 solicitantes. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que durante ese mismo periodo de tiempo, un total de 744.003 solicitudes que en un principio fueron negadas fueron finalmente aprobadas porque se puedo demostrar con evidencias documentales que no aplicaba la causa de negacià ³n o porque puedo solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n, y à ©ste fue aprobado. Por lo tanto es evidente la importancia de la documentacià ³n para obtener la aprobacià ³n de la visa y, en el caso de ser negada, poder probar que la negacià ³n no corresponde. Documentos obligatorios para llevar a la entrevista para la visa americana Alguna papelerà a es comà ºn a todo tipo de visas no inmigrantes, por ejemplo: 1. Hoja de confirmacià ³n de la cita. 2. Pasaporte vlido y en buen estado. La fecha de expiracià ³n no puede ser inmediata. Las embajadas americanas imponen diferentes reglas a cada paà s en cuanto a quà © pasaporte esa vlido. Por favor verificar particularmente en aquellos paà ses en los que en los à ºltimos aà ±os ha habido cambios de modelos de pasaporte o existen diferentes modelos vlidos al mismo tiempo. Tambià ©n ver las reglas segà ºn el documento tenga incorporado chip o no. 3. Prueba de haber pagado el arancel o cuota de la visa. Hay que saber que este dinero nunca se recupera. Ni en los casos en los que la visa es rechazada ni cuando el solicitante cambia de idea y decide no ir a la entrevista porque ya no le interesa viajar a los Estados Unidos. Adems, enà algunos paà ses, como en el caso de Mà ©xico, es necesario acudir a un Centro de Atencià ³n antes de la entrevista por tema deà las fotosà y las huellas digitales. Pero cada paà s sigue sus propias reglas. Pero adems hay que seguir las reglas especà ficas de cada visa. Esto es asà para casos como las de estudiante, intercambio, trabajo temporero, etc. Dos clases de problemas que pueden dar lugar al rechazo de la peticià ³n de visa Llegados a este punto hay que diferenciar entre dos posibles situaciones. Primero, si lo que se quiere es probar que no hay razones para negar la visa por ser inelegible. Y el segundo, cuando hay un problema que convierte al solicitante en inadmisible y desea pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. En otras palabras, la visa no inmigrante puede ser denegada porque se considera a una persona extranjera como inelegible para el visado que solicita o por ser inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Documentos para que el oficial consular no considere al solicitante como inelegible Aunque hay varias causas, la ms comà ºn por la que se niega una visa no inmigrante como la de turista o la de estudiante es porque el cà ³nsul tiene sospechas de que el solicitante se puede quedar en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido. En este punto es muy importante entender que dentro de las visas no inmigrantes hay dos que son consideradas de doble intencià ³n, las L y las H-1B. Esto quiere decir las personas con este tipo de visados pueden buscar activamente la green card en Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, no es importante para ellos probar que su intencià ³n no es quedarse en USA. Pero para el resto de las visas no inmigrantes, como la de turista, estudiante, intercambio y otras de trabajo temporal la causa ms comà ºn por la que no son aprobadas es precisamente porque el solicitante no es capaz convencer al oficial consular que su intencià ³n no es emigrar a Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, debeà probar lazos familiares y/o fuertes en su paà s de residencia.à Para eso se utilizan documentos adicionales, por ejemplo: Certificado o partida de nacimiento, original o copia certificada.Certificados de matrimonio, divorcio, relaciones de hecho, viudedad.Libros de familia en el que consten los hijos.Prueba de empleo, de ser propietario o socio de una empresa.Documento que acredite el estatus de estudiante.Cuentas bancarias tipo corriente y de ahorro con extractos que demuestren los movimientos en los à ºltimos seis meses.Inversiones, ahorros, propiedades de todo tipo.Hipotecas o contratos de arrendamiento de vivienda.Pensiones o rentas. Y ademsà cualquier otra documentacià ³n que el solicitante crea que puede ayudarle a probar al oficial consular que su intencià ³n no es quedarse en Estados Unidos. No obstante, tener en cuenta que la persona de la oficina consular que lleva a cabo la entrevista no est obligada a examinar la documentacià ³n presentada. Es muy recomendable llevarla ordenada. Adems, para el caso concreto de solicitud de una visa de turista, paseo o placer puede ser conveniente contar con una carta de invitacià ³n redactada por un ciudadano americano, un residente permanente legal u otra persona que se encuentre legalmente en Estados Unidos. Pero no es necesario. Consecuencias de mentirà o presentar documentos falsos en la solicitud de visa Como se ha indicado previamente en este artà culo, la tercera causa ms comà ºn por la que se deniega una peticià ³n de visa no inmigrante es por mentir o presentar documentos falsos lo que, tà ©cnicamente, es un fraude de ley. Pueden darse mà ºltiples casos, como presentar documentos falsos de identidad, propiedades, trabajo o estudios acadà ©micos. Pero el fraude de ley incluye situaciones en la que se falta a la verdad en las contestaciones de que dan en el formulario de solicitud deà visa, por ejemplo, asegurando que no se tiene familiares que son ciudadanos americanos cuando lo cierto es que sà se tienen. Una vez que las autoridades consulares o las de control migratorio se dan cuenta de que existe o puede existir un fraude de ley las consecuencias son inmediatas y graves. Por ejemplo, automticamente deniegan la peticià ³n de visa o, si à ©sta ya sido ya aprobada, la cancelan.à Aunque en casos muy concretos es posible levantar el castigo despuà ©s de haber cometido un fraude de ley mediante la peticià ³n de un waiver y, asà , obtener una visa, lo cierto es que es uno de los perdones ms difà ciles de obtener.à Quà © sucede despuà ©s de la entrevista en el consulado Pueden darse tres situaciones: 1. La visa es aprobada. En este caso el pasaporte debidamente estampado se recibir a los pocos dà as. Si este es el caso, los turistas deben tener especial cuidado y evitar estos 8 errores que pueden provocar que le cancelen la visa.à 2. La visa entra en fase de procedimiento administrativo. No ha sido aprobada pero tampoco rechazada. Es lo que conoce como 221g. 3. La visa es denegada. Si una visa de turista o de estudiante, etc es negada porque no se ha podido demostrar lazos fuertes con el paà s de residencia, antes de pedirla de nuevo es conveniente realizar cambios que puedan convencer al consulado para aprobar una nueva solicitud. Si todo sigue igual, la respuesta va a ser la misma. Es decir: no. Por el contrario, si las razones para la negacià ³n fueron otras causas, es aconsejable consultar con un abogado para estudiar si procede solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso especial. Si se solicita un waiver, es importante contar con el asesoramiento de un abogado migratorio con experiencia en este tipo de casos ya que son complejos y conviene saber diferenciar entre todos los posibles perdones y cà ³mo argumentar y apoyar con documentacià ³n la peticià ³n de dicho waiver. Infà ³rmate con esteà test de respuestas mà ºltiples Toma este quiz, trivial o test sobre visas para asegurarte de que sabes lo fundamental para obtener y conservar el visado. Este artà culo no debe considerarse como asesorà a legal. Tiene simplemente un carcter informativo.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
(FAR) Quality Assurance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
(FAR) Quality Assurance - Research Paper Example An implied warranty automatically protects the government upon the sale of an item, unless it is overridden by a disclaimer. An implied warranty of merchantability ensures government purchases items of good (average or above) quality and fit for an ordinary purpose intended for, while an implied warranty of fitness protects the government against unsuitable services or products for a specific purpose, known to the recommending seller of the item. Keywords: Defective Products, Items, Contract, Warranty, Acquisition, FAR, Disclaimer, Liability, Cost Determining Criteria to invoke a Warranty in FAR Contracting officers of the government have a crucial role to play, especially in considering commercial practices in handling contracts between the government and contractors, for a smooth exchange of the commercial items or services. Considering the various defects or gross mistakes that may arise in the provision of the commercial products, even though warranties are not compulsory in thes e contracts, such challenges push for the need of the warranty in specific acquisitions. According to the FAR part (46) section (703), contracting officers assess the nature and use of the services or suppliers, trade practices, administration and enforcement, cost, and reduced requirements to determine the appropriateness of a warranty for an acquisition in a contract. Warranties are an extension of the standing relationship between the contractors and the government, but also extend the liability cost to one of the parties based on the matters that may arise from the contract. Similarly, warranties support inspection and acceptance practices in quality assurance of the contracts. When an analysis of the above factors is conducted and the need for a warranty in a specific acquisition found, then in the best interest of the government, a warranty clause can be used. The government acquires the warranty when it is cost effective. In any case, the government would want to reduce the b urden in maintenance, use or operation, and additional costs that may arise due to potential undetected defects. That is why such factors like difficulty in detecting a fault prior to acceptance, assessing potential harm to the government in case of a defect, complexity and function of a an item or service, end use, degree of development, and state of the art under FAR 46.703 part (a) have to be evaluated. The arising costs coming from the deferred liability on the contractorââ¬â¢s side and warranty enforcement of the governmentââ¬â¢s side, extended trade practice in the cost of a warranted item to the government, the ability of an assured administrative system to report on discrepancies, and reduced government quality assurance requirement would necessitate the government to include a warranty. Through the procedure, the government would ensure that the non conformance is covered in the warranty clause of the contract. Protection against Defective Services Express Warranties They frequently characterize the majority of the government contracts. Some can be complex, but are often specific to service contracts. These warranties can be oral or written, but for official purposes to the government, a written form is often common as a claim for its existence and avoiding chances of contractorââ¬â¢
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Value of SWOT in General and Regarding Planning Case Study
The Value of SWOT in General and Regarding Planning - Case Study Example SWOT is essential in the planning stage of any management or marketing implement because it defines the internal and external environment of which the plan will be based. The efficacy of a plan depends on the accuracy of the assessment of the environment of which it will be applied as defined in the SWOT. SWOT provides a reality check in the execution stage of any management or marketing implement. It fine tunes the execution as SWOT considers the new realities in the internal and external factor of the organization. a) The extent to which the foregoing listed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are generic, ie. insofar as product and service providers are concerned? SWOT can be generic in terms of the internal assessment (strength and weakness) in terms of assessing the competency of its people. It is usually expressed in general terms such as ââ¬Å"we have very talented people to execute the taskâ⬠. In the weakness aspect, factors such as ailing equipment that ca n no longer perform the task adequately are expressed in general terms. With regard to external factors, competition is typically expressed in general terms in the threat aspect of SWOT. Assessment of opportunity in SWOT can be expressed in general in terms of growth of companies if they will be successful in the identified market. b)What SWOT considerations would you delete, change categorically, or add, if you were in the sports shoe industry and wished to be known as a socially responsible producer? The threat factor would be removed in the SWOT in order to be known as a socially responsible producer of shoes. It is because the competition must be ruled out in the consciousness of the business that compels it to compromise social responsibility in exchange for competitiveness.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Annual report for Intercontinental Hotels Group plc for the year ended Essay
Annual report for Intercontinental Hotels Group plc for the year ended 31 December 2011 - Essay Example $ in mn Revenue and Profits 2011 2010 % Inc. Sales 1768 1628 8.60 Operating profit 559 444 25.90 Exceptional items 35 15 133.33 Total operating profit 594 459 29.41 Profit before exceptional items 497 382 30.10 Tax -120 -98 22.45 Profit from continuing operations 377 284 32.75 Exceptional items 83 7 1085.71 Net profit including exceptional items 460 291 58.08 Financial position Good will and other intangible assets 400 358 11.73 Other non-current assets 1990 1952 1.95 Total non-current assets 2390 2310 3.46 Current assets 578 466 24.03 Total assets 2968 2776 6.92 Total current liabilities 860 921 -6.62 Total non-current liabilities 1553 1564 -0.70 Total liabilities 2413 2485 -2.90 Shareholdersââ¬â¢ funds 555 291 90.72 Total capital employed 2968 2776 6.92 No. of shares 289472651 Shares issued during the year 1075438 Total number of shares 290548089 289472651 Financial Ratios Earnings per share (EPS) Profit from continuing operations/ 1.30 0.98 Number of shares outstanding ROCE Net income/Capital employed 12.70% 10.23% Operating profit margin (Excl. exceptional items) Operating profit /Capital employed 31.62% 27.27% Operating profit margin (Incl. exceptional items) Total Operating profit /Capital employed 33.60% 28.19% Net profit margin after tax (Excl. exceptional items) Net profit after tax excl. excep. items/Capital employed 21.32% 17.44% Net profit margin after tax (Incl. excep. items) Net profit after tax incl. excep. items/Capital employed 26.02% 17.87% Asset turnover Total sales/Total assets 0.60 0.59 Current ratio Current assets/Current liabilities 0.67 0.51 Acid test ratio Quick assets/Current liabilities 0.64 0.49 Receivables collection period Debtors (Trade and other receivables) 369.00 371.00 Total debtors/Sales x 365 76.18 83.18 Payables payment period Creditors (Trade and other payables) 707.00 722.00 Total purchases or cost of sales 771.00 753.00 Creditors/Cost of sales x 365 334.70 349.97 Gearing Total debt/Total equity 4.35 8.54 Interest cove r Interest charges (Interest) 64.00 64.00 Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)/Interest 5.89 4.44 Price earnings ratio Share price as on 31 December ?11.57 ?12.43 Share price / EPS 8.92 12.67 Dividend cover Dividend paid to shareholders 148 121 Dividend paid/Net income 2.55 2.35 Revenue per available room Revenue per available room is up by 6.2% Revenue per room has been calculated by the company by dividing the total room revenue by the number of room nights available. Analysis of the financial performance and position InterContinental Hotels Group is a global hotel company, operating seven highly-respected brands internationally. Total number of rooms operating under IHG brands is 658,348 (4,480 hotels). IHGââ¬â¢s portfolio of brands includes Inter Continental Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, Hotel Indigo, The Holiday Inn, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites. The performance of the management should be viewed in relation to the industry for the purpose of meaningful evaluation. The revenue per availab
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Stages of Child Development and Strategies Involving Them
Stages of Child Development and Strategies Involving Them Introduction: In this assignment I will give a definition of social and emotional development while also explaining each individually. I will give a brief account of physical, cognitive, language and creative development and how they holistically combine for good overall development. I give an account of the social and emotional development of children form the ages 3-5. Then I will outline the different stages proposed by at least two theorists. I will give examples of strategies used to promote social and emotional development. To finish up I will make reference to the environmental, social and other factors that may affect such development and learning. Correct Definition of social and emotional development: Social-emotional development includes the childs experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Cohen and others 2005). It encompasses both intra- and interpersonal processes. In my opinion social and emotional development starts from birth and is given to the chid by the childââ¬â¢s parents or primary care giver. It is essential that the care given at this age is positive and loving as this early age is where we as adults leave the imprint on the child that stays with them for life. Emotional development directly links to the childââ¬â¢s intrapersonal skills by where they learn a lot about themselves like how they feel and then how they use or control their emotions within certain situations. By taking turns, having manners, being aware of their own emotions and feelings and having patience which all contributes to good emotional development. Social development directly links to a childââ¬â¢s interpersonal skills where children interact with other people in a good and mannerly way by always trying to understand other peopleââ¬â¢s point of view, by discussing problems and coming to some sort of compromise to solve problems. Children develop good social skills through understanding a situation and voicing their opinion rather than letting their emotions take over. Describe how the development area relates to the holistic development: Physical, cognitive, language and creative development all interlink and become increasingly interdependent in the first few years of life to give the child a good holistic development. If one development stage is weak it generally leads to the child struggling on the other areas of development to. Lev Vygotsky says ââ¬Å"Thought and language become increasingly interdependent in the first few years of lifeâ⬠( 2015) Physical development A child who has good social and emotional development will be a very outgoing child whose great at playing and will have great confidence to take part in all activities that arise and may even take on the role of the leader in certain activities. On the other hand a child who lacks in good social and emotional development will shy away from such activities and therefore may be left out of activities due to the lack of confidence. Cognitive development Good social and emotional development within a child allows them to have confidence to ask questions about situations they may not understand, in asking these questions they will get the attention and answers they need which helps them understand and store the information they more accurately to a child that has no confidence to ask questions and therefore these children wonââ¬â¢t want to draw attention to themselves therefore leaving them lacking within the cognitive development area. Language development A child who has good social and emotional development will have good speech and will have no problem in interacting or conversing with other people and will be more accurate with the use of their vocabulary. If a child has speech issues they will lack in confidence causing them to shy away from vocally interacting with other people and may also cause them to be a target to bullying and isolation. Creative development A child with good social and emotional development will be very self-assured and confident leading them to having a great imagination and imagination is the key to a childââ¬â¢s creativity. This child will not be afraid to make suggestions or make up little role plays in their head .A child who lacks in creative development will be shy and may need encouragement to help them to be creative and will always rely on other people for direction. Stages of social and emotional development correctly described for a preschool chid: ââ¬Å"Quality afterschool programs provide safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills.â⬠Debbie Stabenow 3 Years Old: At this age children have developed both emotional and social skills which allow them to be more happy and content as they now donââ¬â¢t need a familiar face to feel secure as they have gained a certain amount of control through their actions, thoughts and the use of language. They are more aware of the situations around them leading them to share and take turns and to also show affection. 4 Years Old: At this age children tend to question a lot of things like their own actions and the actions of others and are constantly asking how things work itââ¬â¢s like they suddenly become aware of their surroundings. They are capable of socially making friends and interacting with their friends in large groups. At this age they also learn feelings and emotions like being hurt, let down or by having a fear and by then in turn turning to a parent for comfort or reassurance. Also at this age children are normally very confident and have a lot of self-belief. 5 Years Old: At the age of 5 children tend to be very socially outgoing which leads them to loving time away from their parents through school or through being involved in social activities e.g: Hurling, football, dancing or drama. They love to play with their friends and even enjoy a bit of competiveness especially if they win, in which case they will show signs of being proud and even show signs of boasting. They are very much in tune with their feelings and now know the feeling of happiness, sadness and even have the sense of shame and hurt. Stages of social and emotional development proposed and supported by at least two theorists: Trust vs mistrust occurs from birth up to 2 years of age by where a child even at his young age acknowledges the type of care that they are given. If the child is well looked after and loved this gives them a sense of trust and where a child is neglected gives them a sense of mistrust as suggested by theorist Eirk Erikson who says ââ¬Å"if a child feels successful trust, he or she will feel safe and secure in the worldâ⬠.(child development booklet) Erik Erikson also believes if you mistrust from this early age it will stay with you in your later years causing it very hard for you to trust anyone due to your previous experiences. Relationships occur in children from the age of five upwards where children are now socially aware of their environment and can now socially interact with their peers. At this age they are constantly looking for approval from adults as well as their peers. Children form a very strong bond with their parents as suggested by theorist Sigmund Freud. Shame is a big factor in childrenââ¬â¢s development especially in their first big occasion where they have to do something for themselves. One example where children experience their first sense of shame is through potty training. If children have a bad experience through potty training Erik Erikson believes this stays with them throughout their life and therefore when they donââ¬â¢t achieve their goals in later years it brings them back to their early years of failure and that sense of shame. Four strategies to promote social and emotional development listed and explained: Taking turns and responsibilities by putting on a play while getting the children to come up with and choose the roles and responsibilities encourages them to interact and discuss with each other through the organising of these roles. This also encourages them to take turn and share out the responsibilities along with using the skill of dressing themselves and also gets them to use their imagination through the creative play. Teamwork and relationships by organising a sports day for the children encourages and teaches them the value of good healthy competition and how to control their emotions if they lose at a certain activity or on the other hand show pride in the achievement in winning. Through certain activities children learn to compete individually and also as part of a team allowing them to encourage each other and form good relationships with each other. Emotions and imagination using square cards or paper and draw feelings on faces e.g: happy face, sad face, etc. Then in turn get the children to pick up a card and act out the feeling on the card through facial expressions. This helps the children understand feelings, emotions and empathy through a fun game. Language and vocabulary by doing circle time and letting the children share a story with the group promotes their self-esteem and confidence to talk within a group. It also promotes the use of their language, vocabulary and even imagination through the telling of their story. Reference to environmental, social or other factors that may affect the learning and development of a child: Environmental: One environmental factor that may affect a childââ¬â¢s learning and development would be where a child grows up. E.G: If there is a stigma to the estate where a child raised by where itââ¬â¢s known as a disadvantaged or poor area this can lead child to feel they will never amount to anything due to the amount of negativity surrounding that area. On the other hand this type of negativity really spurs some children on to achieve the goals they want and gives them inspiration to do better for themselves and map out a better life for themselves and for their potential future children. Cultural Factors: One big culture that raises a lot of questions is the Jehovah Witnesses due to their beliefs they donââ¬â¢t celebrate a lot of big calendar days that most religions do e.g: Christmas, birthdays, etc. Therefore when these occasions arise it often leads to isolation of the child and this can have many negative effects on a child themselves through their own feelings of been left out and can also lead to other children socially out casting the child because if their beliefs. Social Factors: Family is one of the biggest contributing factors from the social view of learning and development within a child. For instance if you were raised within a big family who had a good sense of family spirit it is believed that you may be more confident as you would have been surrounded with lots of people from the start and these people will have cheered you on, helped you when you fall and thought you all of your traits that you will carry for a lifetime. Conclusion: In this assignment I have given a definition of social and emotional development, described the development areas and how they work on a holistic level. I have outlined the stages of social and emotional development from the ages of 3-5. Proposed stages supported by two theorists. I have given four examples of strategies used to promote social and emotional development and have made a reference to environmental, social or other factors that may affect such development and learning. Bibliography others, c. a., 2005. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 june 2015]. toys, p. h., 2015. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 06 2015]. toys, p. h., 2015. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 june 2015]. Training, C., 2015. child developmetn booklet. In: s.l.:Creative Training . vygotsky, avalibale online to view at on 02/07/2015
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Loneliness and Acceptance Essay -- First Person Narrative Examples
à I feel uncomfortable in my own world. Being alone unnerves me. I always have felt the need to share my world, my mind and my feelings with somebody. My feelings about myself seem less important than what others think of me. I'm scared of being lonely. And so are we all. We all seem to be on a continuous search for someone who will really love and understand us. Someone to provide us with a purpose for life. And yet I think we are all essentially alone. We are alone in our thoughts an emotions. The first time I really felt alone was when I was leaving Kentucky. We were at the airport saying our last good-byes. I was leaving everything and everyone that I loved, understood, cared for, to come and study in the Bay area. I was leaving familiar territory and moving into an unknown, unfamiliar world. I was saying good-bye to people who I had either grown up with or those who had seen me grow up. All my memories and emotions were attached to them. They were people who I thought really knew me and understood me. Yet every one of them had their own impression of how I should feel. Excitement, joy, fear, and sadness being the most popular. However nobody really knew what I was feeling. I felt all these emotions blended into an unique emotion of my own. One that I could not share with even my best friend. When I expressed my fears and anxiety about leaving Kentucky, no one seemed to really listen to what I was saying. They kept saying it would be alright. I was mature and almost an adult and the Western world with its great material temptations wouldn't corrupt me. But in my mind I felt isolated. I wanted them to sit and feel my anguish with me. But they wanted to pacify me, console me as though I were a baby. At that time I fel... ...e or friendship. We are taught that we don't have an identity if we are alone. Which is why we treat loneliness as a disease, one to be avoided at any cost. Loneliness is viewed as an inadequacy of our personalities. Though all of us are taught to be independent, our independence is superficial. We can cook, clean, and do our laundry but we can't seem to take care of our emotions independently. We are taught that we need to share all our emotions. And I believe that however hard we search we can never get the kind of understanding that we are looking for. We are taught to be uncomfortable in our own world. Society conditions us to believe that we are inadequately equipped to be alone and content. And that alone always means lonely. à Works Cited Macdonald, Elizabeth. "Odalisque" Encounters (Edt. Pat C. Hoy, Robert DiYanni) The Mc.Graw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Arguments on Rules and Justice
In my opinion, Socratesâ⬠analysis of human nature is very true as it ultimately brings us his definition of justice. I agree with his theory of human nature but not his social-political theory. In order to understand Platoâ⬠s theory of human nature and his social-political theory, we must examine each one of them closely. Plato believed that no one is self-sufficient enough to live individually. Human beings are not created equally; some of us are born wiser then the rest and some of us are just born stronger. For this reason, only the select few (which would be the guardians) among us are supposed to now what is best for the society and therefore becomes the ruler of everyone else. Our reasoning, spirit, and natural wants are all part of human nature. In book 1 of The Republic, Plato had several detailed discussions on the nature of justice with other speakers in a dialogue form. The process of discussion involves Socratesâ⬠questioning, arguing against various inadequate theories that attempts to define the true meaning of justice. From the rich old man Cephalus, we learned that justice involves telling the truth and repaying oneâ⬠s debts. However, Socrates points out that this definition of justice is inadequate because it cannot account for the instances of certain circumstances. The simple example of returning a borrowed weapon to an insane friend who demands the return of his weapon, would be an instance of following the rule but would not seem to be just. Then Polemarchus, Cephalusâ⬠s son attempts to define justice by proposing that justice means â⬠one should pay what is owedâ⬠. Not returning or refusing to return the borrowed weapon would clearly benefit oneâ⬠s friend. Socrates said that harming our nemies is only likely to make them even more unjust than they already are and cause them to make more unjust choices. After that, Thrasymachus came up with his own definition of justice which is nothing more than the advantage of the stronger; those in positions of power use law to decide what is right. The kind of justice practiced anywhere depends on the type of government they have in power. Socrates does not disagree with this view if the facts about the society are as Thrasymachus says they are, however, he argues that sometimes rulers make mistakes. In that case obedience to the law maybe leads to its own disadvantage, therefore Thrasymachusâ⬠s definition is also inadequate. Furthermore, Socrates says that the best ruler must always know how to rule. They should rule for the art of ruling, but not their own interest alone. Later, Glaucon suggests that human beings, given an opportunity to do injustice without being caught and therefore without suffering any punishment or loss of good reputation, would naturally choose a life of injustice, in order to maximize their own interests. Glaucons efinition of justice is that itâ⬠s an equal contract, an approach between what is the best (doing injustice without paying the penalty) and the worse (suffering injustice without being able to avenge one self). Adieamantus narrows the discussion further by pointing out that to have a good reputation of justice is more important than justice is itself, whether or not that person really does have a good reputation of justice. In an attempt to provide an adequate, satisfying definition of justice, Socrates tries to make an analogy between the justice of individual human beings and of an entire society or city. Since the crucial elements of justice may be easier to observe on the larger scale like a city than on a smaller scale like an individual. Socrates focuses on the perfect city, because the city will represent the human soul. Socrates began with a detailed analysis of the formation, structure, and organization of this ideal city. He argues that since individual human beings are not self-sufficient; no one working alone can acquire all of the necessities of life by themselves. In order to resolve this difficulty, we gather together into society for the mutual achievement of our common goals. If each of us specializes in the practice of a specific art, we can work more efficiently. To make this ideal city healthy (opposite of a feverish city), Socrates states that the fundamental needs of human beings in the society are food, shelter, and clothes. From these fundamental needs, some additional requirements emerge that become necessary only because these needs are a part of the defense of the city against external attacks or internal disputes. Socrates proposed an additional class of citizens, the guardians which are responsible for guarding the city and keeping the city in order. In order to fulfill their proper functions, the guardian then must have a philosophy that gives them the ability to distinguish the true and false, friend and foes, and to avoid turning against their own kind due to external influences. I think Socratesâ⬠social-political theory does follow his theory of human nature, he believed that an ideal state, embodying the highest and best capabilities of human social life, could really be achieved, if the right people are put in charge. Since the key to the success of the whole is the wisdom of the rulers who make decisions for the entire city, Plato held hat the perfect society would occur only when kings become philosophers or philosophers are made kings. Guardians would need the virtue of courage to carry out their orders in the face of danger without regard for personal risk. The rest of the people in the city must follow its leaders instead of pursuing their private interests. Plato held that guardians should own no private property, should live and eat together at government expense, and should earn no salary greater than necessary to supply their most basic needs. Under this regime, no one will have any corrupt motive for seeking a osition of leadership, and those who are chosen to be guardians will govern solely from a concern to seek the welfare of the state and what is best for all of its citizens. Education in the city is needed to promote the achievement of a proper balance of society. Physical training and musical performance along with basic intellectual development and the ability to get rid of human natural desire would be needed to fill this position as a guardian. On Plato's view, it is vital for a society to exercise strict control over the content of everything that children read, see, or hear. By excluding all the poets and actors, there will be only one stimulation allowed in the city which is education. The highest goal in all of education, he believed, is knowledge of the ââ¬Å"Goodâ⬠; that is, not merely an awareness of particular benefits and pleasures, but acquaintance with the actual form of ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠itself. Glaucon and Adeimantus pose some of the arguments against the kind of life style Socrates promotes. They question Guardiansâ⬠happiness when they are separated from the general public. Socrates said that the happiness of the guardian must be put aside for the sake of the city. However, he points out, the guardian class should be the happiest group under such a system. Socratesâ⬠definition of justice is when each of these classes performs its own role appropriately and does not try to take over the function of any other class, Plato believed that the entire city as a whole will operate smoothly, exhibiting the harmony that is justice. Then, a human being is only properly said to be just when the three souls perform their proper functions in harmony with each other, working in agreement for the good of the person as a whole. In onclusion, it was found that the education of the guardians was necessary to keep the city running and with their education you must devote their lives to persue the common goals and good of the city. Once the individual and the other individuals in the society or city were working in complete harmony only then would the circle be complete and everything would run smoothly. However, in order to achieve this the guardian had to be trained right and raised accordingly. The people must cooperate. Everyone would reap the benefits from a perfect society.
Friday, November 8, 2019
High-Profile Men of the American Civil War essays
High-Profile Men of the American Civil War essays No issue dominates the history of early eighteenth and nineteenth century America like the problem of slavery. It is amazing that even today, over 130 years after the Civil War started, there is still passionate debate regarding the "cause" of the Civil War. The curious thing is that although slavery was the moral issue of the nineteenth century that divided the political leaders of the land, the average American had very little interest in slaves or slavery. Most Southerners were small farmers that could not afford slaves. Most Northerners were small farmers or tradesmen that had never even seen a slave. But political leaders on both sides were very interested in slaves and slavery. Leaders from the south argued that the Southern plantation was a benevolent and paternal institution, where Southern slave-owners generally behaved with fatherly concern toward their slaves (southern gentlemen). Political leaders from the north believed that slavery was a profit-oriented system, a capita listic institution that was flourishing, not dying at the time of the Civil War. They saw slavery as a systematic method of controlling and exploiting labor. Whatever the case, the reasons a nation goes to war are usually varied and complicated, and the American Civil War is no exception. This essay will attempt to depict the differing views on what truly caused the Civil War, whether it was slavery, economic circumstances, or political issues. The following persons support the theory that slavery was the cause of the Civil War: A historian who has a respected opinion about the Southern Slave Powers, Russell B. Nye believes that this southern mentality should not be underestimated. These Slave Powers were soon to become important in the North, where it helped to build up several anti-slavery settlements. Many abolitionists believed that the Slave Powers were simply exercised by a few southern slave owners and in no way compared to the other millions o...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Meaning of the Surname Pierce
The Meaning of the Surname Pierce The Pierce surname was adapted from the given name Piers,à a derivation of Peter, which means rock, from the Old French pierreà (Latin petra), meaning stone or rock. The name most commonly derived as a surnameà meaning son or descendant of Piers or Peter. However, it may also have been bestowed or chosen as a topographic name for someone who lived in a rocky area, or as an occupational name for a quarryman or stone mason.à Famous People with the Pierce Surname Franklin Pierceà - 14th president of the United StatesWendell Pierce -à American award-winning actorBarbara Pierce Bushà -à wife of George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United StatesGeorge Washington Pierce - Harvard professor of physics;à inventorNat Pierceà - American jazz pianistMarvin Pierce - American publisher; president of McCall Corporation Where the Pierceà Surname Is Most Common According to surname distribution from Forebears, the Pierce surname is most common in the United States, where it ranks among the top 200 surnames in the country. It is also somewhat common in Wales (ranks 350th) and Ireland (581st). Within Ireland, Pierce is most commonly found in Wexford, Carlow and Kerry. WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates a similar distribution, with the greatest percentage of individuals named Pierce found throughout the United States. The name is especially common in the southeast, including Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Pierce Pierceà Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Pierceà family crest or coat of arms for the Pierce surname.à Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. The Pierceà DNA Project - Southern US: Individuals with the Pierceà surname, and variants such as Pearce, Peirce, Pearse, Pierse, and Percy, with ancestors from southern U.S. statesà are invited to participate in this group DNA project in an attempt to learn more about southern Pierce family origins. The website includes information on the project, the research done to date, and instructions on how to participate. PIERCEà Family Genealogy Forum: This free message board is focused on descendants of Pierceà ancestors around the world. FamilySearch - Pierce Genealogy: Explore over 4à million results from digitizedà historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Pierce surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Pierce Surname Mailing List: Free mailing list for researchers of the Pierceà surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. - Pierce Genealogy Family History: Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Pierce. GeneaNet - Pierceà Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Pierceà surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Pierceà Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Pierceà surname from the website of Genealogy Today. References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.à Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.à Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.à Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.à A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.à Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.à A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.à American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion 4 - Assignment Example nexpected medical costs hence saving you from bankruptcy and deep debts when you have to pay for your medical bills from the pocket ( n.d.). . They not only will save you from the high costs of meeting medical expenses but can also help protect your children from diseases, as obesity, which is in the recent past, has been a major issue in America. For, instance it is assumed that if parents accessed healthcare insurance for their kids, they would be able to take them for regular check-ups hence the issue of obesity would be outdated because doctors would be able to observe any trends in the kidââ¬â¢s weight. Either it is believed that if all Americans had access to health coverage, all communicable diseases would be wiped out of America. Therefore, it is evident that health coverage is imperative for all Americans. To solve the issues crippling the healthcare system, all Americans should have access to healthcare insurance coverage. Because nobody wants to get hurt or sick, all Americans hence need care when faced with medical complications. To save all Americans from unexpected medical costs, healthcare insurance coverage should be made accessible to all. Innocent kids of America can thus be safe if insurance coverage should be made
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Corporate Parent Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Corporate Parent Role - Essay Example In addition, if the both the corporate parent and the business units belong to the same industry or involve in the same business, then the effect of their interaction is likely to be more fruitful. This is because there is a transfer of ideas and skills from the corporate parent to the business units. Although the corporate parent role may help improve performance, this may also affect the businesses negatively. For instance, when the corporate parent attempts to improve performance through central functions, this may affect the decision making of the business units. A simple decision that could be made within the business units might have to take a longer period, thereby affecting business. In addition, if not well handled, the parent managers and the unitââ¬â¢s managers may be in constant conflicts. This is likely when corporate parent attempts the stand-alone influence where the managers of the corporate parent control the business units. In general, the success or failure of the corporate parent influence is determined by the nature of interaction with the business
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